Software operating environment (Windows®)

The list shows the version of Windows® 10 on which the operation of our software products have been confirmed.
The listed software products are compatible with Windows® 10 Pro SAC Edition.
Please contact us about the other edition such as Enterprise, Education, Enterprise 2019 LTSC.

* For the compatible OS, please check the specification and operating environment on each product.

* Note that the Hardware will not operate normally, if you start the OS ( operating system) on the OS that is not specified by Ono Sokki using the compatibility mode, Microsoft® Virtual PC, etc.

* Even when a personal computer meets the conditions for the operation environment, this system may not operate normally due to the physical shape or influence of other software installed or peripheral devices

* Some restrictions may be applied due to the end of the OS support period.


Last update 15/11/2024

Support Service

Model Product name Windows® 10 Windows® 11 Remarks
OS-5000 series Sound and Vibration Analysis System
22H2 23H2 OS-5100 / OS-0510 / OS-0512 / OS-0521 / OS-0522 / OS-0523 / OS-0524 / OS-0525 / OS-0526/OS-0527

Chargeable Installer

Model Product name Windows® 10 Windows® 11 Remarks
BF-3200 series 4ch Beamforming Sound Source Visualization System 21H2 23H2 BF-3200 / BF-0310
DS-0328 Combustion Analysis software 21H2 - DS-0328 / DS-0328T / DS-0329
DS-2000A series software Analysis software 22H2 - (Exclusive)
DS-0225A / DS-0227A / DS-0231A / DS-0247A
ExAngle Angle Based Measurement & Analysis Software 22H2 23H2 DS-0328 / DS-0328T / DS-0329
GN-1200 series Noise Testing Software 22H2 22H2 GN-1200 / GN-0130
LC-8000 series software GPS Speedometer 22H2 23H2 LC-8120 / LC-8220 / LC-8300A, others
OS-2000 series Time-series Data Analysis Software 22H2 - OS-2700 / OS-2710 / OS-2720 / OS-2740 / OS-2760 / OS-2770
TS-8700 series Torque Station Pro 22H2 23H2 TS-8700

Free Installer/ Download

Model Product name Windows® 10 Windows® 11 Remarks
DS-3000 series software Sound and Vibration Real-time Analysis System 22H2 - DS-0321A / DS-0322 / DS-0323 / DS-0324 / DS-0325A / DS-0342/DS-0350
OC-1300 series Multi-function graph creating software 22H2 - OC-1310 / OS-1320 / OS-1330 / OS-1340

Discontinued Products

Model Product name Windows® 10 Windows® 11 Remarks
DS-2000A Analysis software 1709 - (General)
DS-0221A / DS-0222A / DS-0223A / DS-0224A / DS-0243A / DS-0244A /DS-0250A /DS-0251A
(Discontinued 2018)
GN-1100 series Noise Testing Software 21H2 - GN-1100 / GN-0130
(Discontinued 2023)