Contribute to society by supplying “mother tools” to industries

Ono Sokki contributes to society by backing up customers who provide essential tools to meet critical needs. To this end, we support frontline innovation in planning, development, manufacturing, and sales, through advanced measurement, analysis, and control tools and services.


Co-creation with customers to provide peace of mind for all

To achieve our 2030 social end goals, Ono Sokki will refine its technologies and expand its strengths through growth and co-creation. We will also provide reliable accuracy gained from measurement of physical phenomena and enrich industries and society through the trust by solving problems together with our customers.



Measure, Find, Link

MEASUREMENT To provide confidence
FIND Technical experts for finding the best solution
LINK Desire to help customers

We devise and implement specific solutions to achieve client objectives.



Attempt what others will not
Generate customer-driven value
Achieve results first, profits later

We strive to incorporate customer-driven value in our products. Doing better and better for our customers is our top priority. Together, we aim to reach new heights.