How to capture and analyze single-shot phenomenon which is incidentally occurred.

The CF-4500 can capture and analyze single-shot phenomenon which is incidentally occurred. (Capturing the peak frequency at the time of a single-shot phenomenon incidentally occurred.)

Operating procedure

1. Set the trigger mode to [REPEAT].
Touch the [MAIN] →[INPUT] →[TRIGGER] →[MODE] soft keys in this order, and select [REPEAT]

2. Set the trigger level in response to the waveform amplitude of the single-shot phenomenon.
Touch the [MAIN] →[INPUT] →[TRIGGER] →[TRIGGER VIEW] in this order, and set the trigger level, which is decided by the percentage of the voltage range F.S.

3. Set the number of averaging times to [1].
Touch the [MAIN] →[ANALYSIS] →[AVERAGE] →[SET]→[NUM] in this order, and input [1] as the number of averaging times. The setup is enabled when the light is switched off. Please press the "AVG START" key and off the light if it is on.

4. Set that the measuring data is output to the [STATUS OUTPUT] 1 of the CF-4500 rear panel.
Touch the [MAIN] →[COMPARE] →[OUTPUT RELAY] →[JUDGE OUT]→[OUT 1] in this order, and set [ANALYSIS DONE] to ON.

5. Trigger is [wait] state when the [TRIG] and [AVG START] keys are set to ON of the CF-4500 front panel.
[STATUS OUTPUT 1] of CF-4500 rear panel is short-circuit state at this time. [STATUS OUTPUT 1] will be open when the trigger is activated and data is sampled.

6. The measurement start command of RS232C is 「CST」 or 「AST」.
[Averaging will be started if [CST] command is sent while 「AVG START」 key ON. The command of X-axis value is [LXS].


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