Overall value and partial overall value on the bundled octave by FFT analysis


Power value of each band when the Sharp function in the bundled octave is ON is used to calculate the overall value.

* Sharp function: A function to eliminate octave filter power leakage.

  (= Minimum characteristic of octave filter)




Sharp function

Displayed value

Overall value


Value calculated using the power value of each band when the Sharp function is ON*1



overall value


Value calculated using the power value of each band when the Sharp function is ON


Value calculated using power value of each band when Sharp function is OFF

* 1: The overall value is the same even though the Sharp function is ON or OFF.
  (Calculated under the condition with the MIN characteristics of the filter function (Sharp function is ON).)

* 2: The partial-overall value of the entire range when the Sharp function is OFF differs from the overall value.
  (It will be the same value when the Sharp function is ON.)


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