How to obtain the machine impedance with the impulse hammer (force sensor) and accelerometer

Set the force from impulse hammer as a master and acceleration from accelerometer as a response to measure the frequency response function.
Acceleration/ Force (accelerance) can be obtained from the above.

The mechanical impedance is force/ speed. To obtain it, convert acceleration to speed by single integration and calculate the inverse number of it.

Select the single integration (1/jw) in the frequency integral calculation of analysis setting and turn ON the “Reciprocal calculation function” in the frequency response function calculation.

The order of calculation

1. Frequency integral calculation

2. Reciprocal calculation


Indicator of dynamic characteristic


Definition Name Unit (SI) Analysis function to be used
Acceleration/ force Accelerance (Inertance) m/(Ns2) -
Speed/ force Mobility m/(Ns)  1/jw(single integration)
Displacement/ force Compliance m/N 1/jw2(double integration)
Force/ acceleration Apparent mass Ns2/m 1/H(reciprocal calculation)
Force/ speed Mechanical impedance Ns/m 1/jw, 1/H (Signal integration, reciprocal calculation)
Force/ displacement   Dynamic stiffness N/m 1/jw2, 1/H(Double integration, reciprocal calculation)







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