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Non-contact Thickness Meter
CL-5600 series
Electrostatic capacitance-type
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Photo (CL-5600 series Non-contact Thickness Meter)

Photo (VE series Gap Detectors)

The CL-5600 Series non-contact thickness meters use an electrostatic capacitance-type gap detector to measure conductors, semiconductors and insulators. The VE Series electrostatic capacitance-type gap detectors have shown proven results as non-contact electrostatic capacitance-type sensors, and enable high-accuracy, stable thickness measurement using easy operations. The CL-5600 Series offers both a conductor/semiconductor measurement function that uses two sensors (standard) and an insulator measurement function (option: CL-0300) that uses one sensor. Featuring a new outward appearance and enhanced functions, they utilize the revamped electrostatic capacitance-type converters, the VE Series gap detectors. The measurement range has been expanded, and an easy-to-read fluorescent display has been utilized for the display unit. Moreover, the separation of the gap converter from the main unit enables the addition of an analog output, a comparator function (option: CL-0100) and a high-resolution display function (option: CL-0200) for even more flexibility and improved ease of use.

Illustration (CL-5600 series system configuration)



  • The high-resolution calculation function enables a resolution at 0.02μm by using VE-5010 with optional CL-0200.

  • The gap measurement range has been increased considerably (Maximum 8 mm when VE-8020 is used.).

  • The length of the cable between the sensor and the gap converter is 1.5 m.

  • The CL-5600S features separate gap converters (CL-0420). The length of the cable between each gap converter and the main unit is 2.5 m as standard specification (Max. 10 m is possible on request as an option.).

  • An easy-to-read vacuum fluorescent display has been utilized at the display unit.

  • The RS-232C interface connection enables connection to a printer.

  • Analog and comparator output functions are both provided as optional CL-0100.

  • A function for measuring the thickness of conductors and semiconductors is provided as standard, while a function for measuring the thickness of insulators is provided as optional CL-0300.


Measurement methods

When measuring conductors or semiconductors When measuring insulators (CL-0300 Insulator measurement function)

Install two sensors in parallel within the measurement range for the target measurement object. Specify the space (Gs) between these two sensors at the CL-5600 Series. Insert the target measurement object between sensors A and B and measure the gap between each sensor and the target measurement object (Ga and Gb) to obtain the thickness (t).


Illustration (Measurement method when measuring conductors or semiconductors)

The sensor case and the material are assumed to have equal potential.

Specify the space (Gs) between the sensor and the conductor (reference area) at the CL-5600 Series. When the target measurement object is inserted between the sensor and the conductor (reference area), the sensor output becomes Ga. The thickness (t) is obtained from the amount of change in the sensor output and the relative dielectric constant εr.

εr.: Dielectric constant (When the dielectric constant of a vacuum is 1 the dielectric constant of the target measurement object is referred to as the relative dielectric constant.)

Illustration (Measurement method when measuring insulators)

The sensor case and the material are assumed to have equal potential.


Object can be measured

Conductors, semiconductors (when using the CL-5600 or CL-5600S’s standard functions) Insulators (when using the CL-0300 option’s additional function)

Metal, conductive materials such as silicon wafers, double-sided copper-clad laminated plates, pastes. Carbon plates.

Thin objects that are composed of a uniform, simple material throughout can be measured. Relatively thin objects such as glass, crystal wafers, sapphire wafers, film and plastic.


Example of the measurement





Measurement parameters

Thickness of the conductor or semiconductor that is under measurement

Gap A between sensor A and the object under measurement
Gap B between sensor B and the object under measurement
Thickness of the insulator that is under measurement (CL-0300 option)*1

Display modes

ABS: Measured values

DEVI: Deviation values (Measured values ・reference values)

Maximum, Minimum, Maximum ・Minimum


RS-232C (Cable: AX-5022/Sold separately)

SYNC function

Possible for the cascade connection with CL-5600 series

Remote functions

External start/stop of calculation function, thickness calibration, etc.

Gap converter

CL-0420 (a 2.5-m length cable is supplied as standard. ; can be optionally increased up to a length of 10 m.)

Measurable objects

Conductors, semiconductors, insulators *1

Display parameters

Thickness, Gap A, Gap B


Depends on which sensors are used. 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 μm
(0.02, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, 1μm by using optional CL-0200 *2)

The display resolution and linearity when used in combination with the VE Series electrostatic capacitance-type gap detectors are as follows.

Sensor  type Measurement
range (μm)
resolution (μm)
VE-5010*1 0 to 200 0.1(0.02)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-5010 0 to 500 0.1(0.05)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-1020 0 to 1000 0.1(0.1)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-1520 0 to 1500 0.5(0.2)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-3020 0 to 3000 1(0.5)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-8020 0 to 8000 2(1)* 0.15(0.13)*


Sensor  type Measurement
range (μm)
resolution (μm)
VE-2011 20 to 200 0.1(0.02)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-5011 50 to 500 0.1(0.05)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-1021 100 to 1000 0.1(0.1)* 0.15(0.12)*
300 to 3000 1(0.5)* 0.15(0.12)*
VE-8021 800 to 8000 2(1)* 0.15(0.13)*

*(): When using CL-0200 High-resolution calculation function (option)

Sampling time

20 ms


Moving mean, 1 to 64 times


Vacuum fluorescent display; either 2-row display or 1-row display (large character size) can be selected.

Comparator function (Option: CL-0100 *3)

3-CH output

Analog output (Option: CL-0100 *3)

Thickness, Gap A, B (linearity ±0.2% F.S./10% to 100% F.S.)

Compatible printer (option)

DPU-414 (Connection cable is provided as standard part.)
* AC Power supply adaptor: PW7007 series (Sold as an option)

Power requirement

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Operating temperature range (achieving the specified accuracy)

+21 to +25°C

Operating temperature range

0 to +40°C

Operating humidity range

20 to 80% RH

External dimensions, weight

210(W) mm x 99 (H) mm x 276(D) mm, 4.5 kg

210(W) mm x 99 (H) mm x 276(D) mm, 4.5 kg CL-0420: 42(W) mm x 56 (H) mm x 120 (D) mm, 0.6 kg

*1: CL-0300 Insulator measurement function (option)
*2: CL-0200 High-resolution function (option)
*3: CL-0100 Output function (option)


n CL-0100 Comparator output (terminal block)

The items for comparison and the threshold can be set respectively for each of the three comparator channels (COMP1/COMP2/COMP3). The comparator operates as shown in the figure below.

Illustration (CL-0100 comparator operation)

The comparator contact output closes when the specified upper limit value (UPPER) is less than the specified value or when the specified lower limit value (LOWER) is larger than the specified value.


n VE Series electrostatic capacitance-type gap detectors

Standard type
Model name VE-5010 VE-1020 VE-1520 VE-3020 VE-8020
Measurement range (μm) *1 0 to 500 0 to 1000 0 to 1500 0 to 3000 0 to 8000
Minimum diameter of target (mm) *2 φ6 φ8 φ10 φ20 φ40
Cable length (m) 1.5 (attached cable as standard) 1.5 (VL-1520 as sold separately)
Temperature function k1 = 1.7 x 10-5, k2 = 3.4 x 10-5
Operating temperature range *3 0 to +80°C

Clamp-shape type (common to Φ10mm)

Model name VE-2011 VE-5011 VE-1021 VE-3021
Measurement range (μm) *1 20 to 200 50 to 500 1000 to 1000 3000 to 3000 8000 to 8000
Outer dimensionst (mm) *2 φ3 φ6 φ8 φ20 φ40
Cable length (m) 1.5 (VL-1520/1521 as sold separately)
Temperature function k1 = 1.7 x 10-5, k2 = 3.4 x 10-5
Operating temperature range *3 0 to +80°C

Note: The VL-1520 signal cable is sold separately.

*1: The measurement range refers to the maximum gap between the surface of the sensor tip and the object under measurement.
*2: The surface measurement area of the object under measurement must be larger than the external diameter of the sensor.
*3: The operating temperature range is the temperature range in which the sensor can operate, not the operating range for which accuracy is
      guaranteed. The operating range for which accuracy is guaranteed at 23±2°C. The temperature characteristics of the VE series are shown in
      the formula below.

Illustration (VE sensor temperature characteristics)

Revised: 2009/07/31

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