FP series Volumetric Flow Detector common FAQs

Precautions for FP series Flow Detector
  • Install the detector in a upright position (within ±15 degrees).
  • Install it at a lower position than the liquid tank to prevent the formation of air pockets and negative pressure.
  • Do not remove the supplied line filter from the detector.
  • Some test solution remains inside at the purchasing, thus perform flushing for the detector before use.
  • The filter often be clogged. Perform regular cleaning or replacement.
  • This product is a precision instrument. We recommend inspection and calibration to be performed regularly to keep the performance of the detector.
  • Operating with a lot of air in the pipping path right after installation may damage the detector.
    Be sure to bleed off air from the piping while slowly flowing the liquid into the piping.
  • Use within the specifications such as fluid temperature, environmental temperature, and vibration.
    Prevent sudden temperature changes even within the specification range.

Last updated:2021/12/27

There are SIG1 and SIG2 indicated in the instruction manual of each FP series model. Does it mean that there are two measurement signals to detect reverse flow?

Yes, two signals with a phase difference are output from the detector to the digital flow meter.
At forward rotation, the square wave is output from SIG1, and the square wave with a 90 degrees phase delay is output from SIG2.
At reverse rotation, oppositely.

Last updated:2020/02/17

Is it OK to connect only SIG1 if it is not necessary to detect the reverse flow?

No. Since two signals are output at both forward and reverse rotation, correct measurement cannot be performed by connecting to only SIG1.
Thus, it is necessary to connect SIG1 and SIG2 to process signals.

Last updated:2020/02/17